• Keystone Art Space (map)
  • 338 South Avenue 16
  • Los Angeles, CA, 90031
  • United States


curated by Heather Lowe

July 17- July 29, 2024

Opening Reception Saturday, July 20th, 5-9 pm

   Artists have long been using the frame of visual imagery to expand our consciousness, to transport us to a higher self or good. ”Divination, which was of course a very important part of life in the ancient world meant consulting the divinities for advice... let's say the issue is that there are powers, whatever we may wish to call them, in the universe and perhaps in the deep regions of ourselves. These powers are both capable and not only willing but eager to give us guidance in the perplexities and difficulties of our lives. If we learn how to avail ourselves of such guidance in our life, our consciousness is thereby considerably enriched. That is the whole essence of divination. It is not necessarily what is going to happen in the future. So one begins to look for the signs of guidance and these signs have often been organized into particular modalities.”*

   The artwork in this show reflects these modalities and includes tarot, tasseography, augury, geomancy, scrying, clairalience, chance, chiromancy, palmistry, cleromancy, ifá, pendulum dowsing, and astrology. These divination devices tend to create meditative experiences to connect to higher states of consciousness. For example, tarot has been an inspiration for visual artists for centuries. Dalí, Lenora Carrington and Niki de Saint Phalle are a few among many who created their own tarot decks. Tarot, in general, is a means to promulgate a universal philosophy through a popular gaming device. But the key, according to Manly P. Hall, is in the fact or discovery of the principle, not in the symbol used to represent the fact. It becomes our duty to protect and expand that concept in every possible way. The true decisions coming from the card reading arise within you. The card helps to release the power already present within your soul.

   Metaphysical instruction is rarely understood these days (thus the rolling eyes…) partly because of our haste which is a “national disease”, according to Manly P. Hall. The average person is not fit to contemplate profound universal mysteries without beginning with the cultivation of mental peace and discipline of emotional poise. Growth is not unidirectional. It involves the increase of all parts of being in harmony and an unfolding by the laws of nature, not unlike Blavatsky’s vesture of the psycho-spiritual “jewel.”

Wall text will be provided for historical context and we’ll have professional guests of magic and clairvoyance throughout the show. Additionally, a google site is available for updates and readings.

*Stephen Hoeller: (paraphrased from live lecture) “What is Divination”

**Manly P.Hall: lecture, "Mystical Meanings of Playing Cards" ,Manly P. Hall from lecture on November 9, 1980 in Los Angeles