• Keystone Art Space (map)
  • 338 South Avenue 16
  • Los Angeles, CA, 90031
  • United States

"Stay On It" revolves in and out of energy, embodying kinetic art. Transcendent energy, through the act of creation, generates fruitful thought, moving toward an authentic and unfeigned life. 

Kinetic art shows generally lean toward machine and/or mechanical actions. This show draws from natural energy and natural movement such as flight, water, light, etc. We do include mechanical movement as it relates to our human activity including figurative expression, though a combination of techniques such as lenticular, sculpture, textile art, light and film go to describe a broader immersive experience. 

The title of the show comes from Julius Eastman’s extraordinary musical composition: ”Stay On It”, reminding us that proceeding is more important than the end result.


Ray Chang 

Sandeep  K. Das

Martin Van Diest

Robert Costanza

Ric Heitzman

Nancy Ivanhoe

Heather Lowe

Melanie Mandl

Adele Mills

Sung-Hee Son