• Keystone Art Gallery (map)
  • 338 South Avenue 16
  • Los Angeles, CA, 90031
  • United States

September 14 - 28
Opening reception September 14  6-9pm

Many thousands of years ago when we didn’t know what we were, we looked to the creatures around us for guidance and inspiration. Was it birds at first, or rats that taught us? Did we start with the apex predators that are so common on our flags and seals today? The strength of the Bear. The Bald Eagle flying off with a fish in in its’ talons. The proud lion. Teeth. Claws. Kill. Food.

The cave paintings in Lascaux show a fascination with the bull. A monster of the time. A god. A demon. But also sustenance and clothing, protection from the elements. Survival. Later it was the horse. Watching large herds and becoming part of them. The energy of the many. Organization and work. Speed and movement.

Along with us this entire time was the the wolf. The coyote. The fox. The dog. It has been said that it takes seven generations to remove the fear that is within all wild animals, and the result is domestication for some. The dog is one. Seven generations back and you have the territorial predator wolf - a creature associated with fear and aggression and violence. Seven generations forward and you have the  psychological convergence between animal species, and a most loyal bond.

The Snarl Show is a series of paintings that follows eye contact between one and another. It is a contest with no judges or points, but only understanding. The touching of teeth combined with extreme vocalization and things are set right again. Symbolic violence. Blowing off steam. Venting of feelings. Release. Inspiration for a painting. 

Also on view:

Stop-motion video and sound installation by Melanie Mandl and David Bach.

Stations is an ongoing video project which depicts abandoned and forgotten machines in otherworldly environments.